Monday, January 16, 2012

New Life...

It was wonderful to see Adri's post up. I enjoyed it.

Ruth, first of all as the prodigal's sister, you have been posting all along, and of course I enjoy it, but like the reprehensible human I am, since I recognize your dependability when it comes to posting, I've come to expect it as a matter of course. :) And I even encroached on your posting day, because I'm a day late. (Please, please, go ahead and double post after me today--the blog is just barely beginning to come out of cardiac arrest.)

Now, all of you other prodigal posters, since I've heard that you can catch more flies with honey than with pixels, I considered including some honey in this post. However, after I visualized all of you licking your monitors in an attempt to taste the honey, I changed my mind. I'll just have to appeal to your.....

I guess if you aren't posting after that, I have no idea what might incentivize you. Socialistically working for the collective good might cut it for Wikipedia, but it isn't working here, and I am sure not going to subject this blog to a series of banners of my middle aged, balding, wild eyed self pleading for your help. Jimmy Wales was scary enough.

I know! Perhaps could each start paying me every time you post on the blog! Or have I gotten something backwards there?

Ideas anyone?

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