So, with Ruth’s wonderful introduction I’ll start a real blog post… yup… but seeing how I’ve never really followed or written a blog, this is now a post whatever(almost anyway) you want to session. YAY! (Also, ruth, or anybody else for that matter, this is a no judgement of grammar zone ^_^ got it?) Since this is a post whatever I want to session, I will just post about the most recent dilemma of my life. Foreign Language. I can’t make up my freaking mind about what language I want to want to learn next semester!! It’s a throw down between Mandarin, German, and continuing French. Decisions, bllaaahhh. And, since I can’t decide which to choose, I’m making a good old fashion pros and cons list.
Pros: most widely spoken language in the world (source: lots of internet sites)
probably more opportunity to speak with a native speaker than german or French
super cool character alphabet thingy
Cons: probably much harder to learn than a romance language
Pros: I am of German Ancestry
I get to say things like schnitzel
Cons: uummm…
Pros: I already know a wee bit of it
It sounds preeettyyy
Cons: I took French in highschool and a semester in college, so tis a little old
Sooo, this was actually only a throwdown between german and Chinese…go figure. If you guys come up with any pros or cons or interesting facts about any of these languages put them in the thingy or jet me an email and help me decide. yay!!Preview