Guess what!!..... No, you're wrong. :)
I'm right....mwahaha
But that's ok because you are awesome anyway. What you were supposed to guess is that Virginia is going to a Bowl!! For the first time in 3 years the University of Virginia has finally qualified. Football wise we are actually doing "ok," at least in comparison to the past seasons :D
Oohoh! I've gained 16 pounds! Aren't you all so proud of me! yay! More good news? yes! no more conjunctivitis! My eyes are back to normal. Even more awesome news? very yes! one of the medications I got is Cyclopentolate Hydrochlorine Ophthalmic Solution USP, 1% .....which is basically a fancy way of saying "stuff that dilates your eyes. Mwahah, it's the same stuff they put in your eyes prior to eye examinations, but it keeps your pupil huuug for more than a day. So for the past week I looked kinda psycho with one little pupil and one HUGE pupil. Soooo if any of you guys want to look super cool with freaky eyes, just let me know (oh yeah...btw...it gives you a horreeenndous headache if you are around lots of light...minor detail :D )
Gosh I miss you wonderful people!! and there aren't enough pictures in the blogs :P (props to adri!)

So far life at the good old UVA goes well. Sleep schedule is kinda weird and homework is stressful, but those are the side effects of me not appropriately prioritizing and such. For example, taking pictures of myself and a Cheezit cracker isn't conducive to academic excellence.
Aside from cheese photography, homework, and weight gain, I have become increasingly aware of much more I need to work on simple forms of self-control. For example, for the past three weekends I have spent $4.76 of my plus dollars on a pint of of Ben and Jerry's Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Ice Cream. However amazingly wonderful the taste is, the satisfaction is momentary and always results in a slight stomach ache. I tell myself that it is so very much worth it, because it is so very yummy and I don't get real ice cream often, plus its Plus Dollars that I should spend anyway. So it is frustrating to decide what should be done about this situation. Impulsively, it seems like a great idea, but when under the light of healthy eating behaviors and economic frugality, it is pretty pointless. Of course this is a large generalization of both arguments.
Oh and keeping up with politics is rather interesting. I'm about to give a short and base run down of my hall's political affiliation. My hall consists of seven Republicans, three Democrats, one Independent, and the rest (about 6) don't care to discuss politics. When discussing war, the distribution of wealth, and tax laws I wasn't surprised at who landed where. But what I found interesting was their individual experiences, which came up on a completely unrelated discussion. The two most outspoken republican persons described their parents' salaries as "alright, I guess" and "doing well enough" which to them is $1.5 million a year. Another student who is firm in the Republican party, has a father serving in the military. The frontrunner Republican candidate for the conservatives in my hall is Herman Cain, followed by Perry. The most outspoken Democrat is a kid who has lived most of his life outside of the United States. His parents have worked in U.S. embassies in multiple European countries and spent the past 5 years in El Salvador. As of two months ago, his parents are now in Afghanistan. The second Democrat in the hall comes from a household that is strongly conservative. His dad is a dermatologist who teaches a Piedmont. (sidenote: this student has insane amount of knowledge concerning music from the 50s -80s, Miami Vice, and James Bond) One other student prefers to avoid any form of potentially argumentative topic and never comments on any political or religious discussion. The rest of students are never active in political discussions. Some don't care to discuss it and then some don't care about it at all.
So yep, there it is. Those are some things about my hall's politics.
Quick Things About Johnny from My Hall
"Johnny you should join a circus" - Vishesh, "You know your stupid if Johnny calls you stupid" - Patrick, "You must get all the ladies with you guitar playing and Hugh Jackman looks" -Greg, "Hey don't say that around Johnny" - Vishesh, "Johnny doesn't get mad" - Aaron, "Hey it's ok if people think Mormons sacrifice cats, a guy I met thought Catholics sacrificed babies" - Alex, "Johnny, how much time of your life have you played Super Smash Bros?" - Patrick, "Your hair looks better short, it looked really bad long" - Wyatt

The Watson-Webb, 3rd Floor, Left Wing is a pretty chill group and yes, I dominate at Super Smash Bros, and yes that is a bowl of Captain Crunch mixed with Reese Cup Cereal.